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Using the JL instruction (sort of CASE instruction) u can make the fastes step program for a S7 PLC. (don't now if instruction exist in other PLC's.)
This methode has probaly a maximum cycletime of 25 STL instructions!(STL code) (Using the formula: 10 instructions + amount of steps (the CASE statement) + the max. conditions between steps + the max. actions in a step.)

download awl source (STL text file)

Symbol table:
fast step program FB 10 FB 10 Sample Fast Step program using sort of case statement (JL)
fast step FBD/LD FB 10 FB 10 Sample Fast Step program in FBD/LD using JL

The flowchart to be converted:

Can be converted to the next program:

Example part 1 Example part 2 Example part 3 Example part 4